Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Gaming and iTouch News

All gamers know those times where they've just purchased a game, and are so excited. They pop it into their console, and are enjoying it for a few hours, when suddenly, they get stuck on a level.
The first time, they just respawn, and try again. When they die again, they get kind of pissed, and don't feel like doing it the third, fourth, and maybe even fifth time. 
There should be a solution to this. Game makers want people to have fun, not spend endless time trying to figure out just one level. One solution that I have is that there are different codes that you can purchase to use for different levels. A level passing code could sell for about one dollar extra when you purchase the game, and would solve the problem on struggling on levels. However, if you did that, there would still be the problem of you missing part of the storyline by skipping the level. That's why game developers should add a little cutscene to inform gamers about what's happening.

Another thing I want to talk about is the updated service of OnLive. They said they would release a Wi-Fi Beta by mid-September, and they have also made the service available for lower end computers. Great news! Another thing they've added is the game selection. Some great new games such as Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days, Mafia 2, Lego Batman, and a few other not so good games have been added.

The last thing I want to talk about in this blog post is the new iPod Touch. It doesn't support 3G internet browsing, which is actually a major disappointment. If you want to use the internet a lot on your iPod, using Wi-Fi all the time won't cut it.

Anyways, that's all for today, and thanks for reading!

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